Traders Arrive (v0.9.11)

That concludes the final part to the crafting system in the form of trader encounters.


You'll now meet some traders selling a variety of items you can either equip or disassemble. There are three of them in total each specializing in different slots although the third one may be a bit tricky to find.


I've reworked the language system slightly. Each language will now display how much of it is AI translated when selected with the only current (partly) human translated language being Polish.

In the coming month, I'll be getting the majority of the UI translated in German, Polish, French and Japanese (based on wishlist numbers). This should make the game far more playable in those languages.

Reality Break

Finally, our friends over at Reality Break have launched this week. So if you're impatiently waiting for a space-based Action-RPG I'd highly recommend you check it out. It's very fun!

Reality Break:

The next update will be heavily focused on Sector 2 as we prepare to show the game to some streamers for first impressions. Enjoy!

Patch Notes

New Features / Content

  • Traders will now show up offering you the chance to purchase rare equipment.

Balance Changes

  • Increased amount of credits dropped from all sources by +20%.
  • Increased chance of rare equipment from black market from 20% up to 25%.
  • Item prices are now derived from required level not the base item level.
  • Increased hull of Junker Bull by +50%.
  • Increased hull of Outcast Griffin by +50%.

Quality of Life / Accessibility

  • Dialog display speed increased, one click to skip and replaced typewriter sound.
  • Patch notes panel now includes dates in the top right for each update.
  • Re-mapped all language system behind the scenes, may result in some errors.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed controller navigation highlight not showing on death overlay.
  • Removed news heading from menu that was not translated.
  • Fixed twin-stick control settings not translating.
  • Fixed bug where equipment could be equipped to the wrong slot from assembler panel.
  • Fixed bug where some equipment in cargo could think it was equipped in save data.
  • Reduced glow from some Skeran boss parts.
  • Fixed null pointer when loading into game with Griffin's mission incomplete.


Star Vortex 0.9.11 - 649 MB
15 days ago

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